Evaluation sheet

Is there a conflict of interest of the reviewer in relation to this manuscript?
Is the manuscript well written?
Are there any offenses to ethnic-racial, gender, nationality, religious or political beliefs at work?
Is the subject original, relevant, and related to agriculture?
Does the article have the potential to be cited in other works/articles?
Does the job involve activity with humans or animals?
Does the title clearly reflect the content of the manuscript?
Does the introduction clearly present the theme and purpose of the study?
Does the item �??Material and Methods�?� present the necessary information for the work to be repeated?
Does the methodology agree with the study proposal?
Are the experimental design and statistical analysis (if any) well defined, adequate, robust, and support the results obtained?
Are the results original and relevant?
Is the presentation of the results clear and objective?
Were the results of the statistical analysis (if any) properly presented?
Are the Tables and/or Figures presented necessary and well inserted in the context of the study? (if present)
Is the discussion relevant and sufficient?
Is the conclusion consistent and was it duly based on Results and Discussion?
Is it necessary to add any item to enrich the manuscript?
Are the bibliographic references current and relevant to the study?

( ) Approved as submitted
( ) Approved with minor modifications
( ) Pending with extensive revisions
( ) Rejects in its current form

In the OJS system, you will be able to include files, recommend your evaluation and include comments to editors and authors.

Recommendation (in the OJS system):

To accept
Mandatory corrections
Submit to another magazine
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Comments (in the OJS system):

COMMENTS TO EDITORS (will not be sent to the author):